pgmtx's website

My (modest) contributions


Hey, I'm pgmtx. I am a young student interested by software programming (currently specializing in GUIs), but I still don't know what to do next. Should I get straight into work for a company, or work as a freelancer? Or should I do something completely different? What a mistery.

Even though I've been playing video games less and less lately, they interested me for a long time, and still interest me nowadays. When I was 8, I was wondering how they were created, by simple curiosity. At 13 I discovered HTML, then CSS, then JavaScript, then C, and so on. I gradually fell into the programming rabbit hole, and here am I.

There are other domains that interest me (privacy, mathematics, music), which sometimes leads to technical and/or non-sensical questions. But I can't really converse about them with my friends or comrades. I'm also not really into forums or communities, since I think these would confine my personality as well as my critical mind. Actually that's just another way to tell I ain't an extravert person, even online.

I still want to express my opinions and share them, so I created this website. Not that it guarantees I'll be superactive by posting everyday, but I'll try to be as regular as possible, if studies don't consume me beforehand.

I am bilingual, I fluently speak French and Spanish. I also understand a bit German (learnt at school) and am currently learning Esperanto. I won't mention English since you've guessed it by reading this page (preterition!). I am still learning Anglish though.

Softwares I use


Email - programutox (at) disroot (dot) org
Revolt - pgmtx#4071
Matrix -